PlanetSoho Support Team
asked this on May 17, 2011, 17:14
There are three ways to create a new Item in PlanetSoho.
Click on the Invoicing tab on the top menu bar
Click on the Items tab on the right side of the page, then click the orange + button.
Click on +New in the blue menu at the top of the page, then select Item.
You can also add a new item directly through invoices, estimates, and purchase orders: in the Product or Service field of your purchase order, choose +Add New Item - this will open up the New Item menu which displays only the Product/Service Name and Price/Rate options, if you wish to populate more information, click the Show more details link just below the Price/Rate field. Once you have filled in all the information, click the orange Save button and your new item will be added to your inventory and you will return to the invoice, estimate, or purchase order editor.